Programa de Pós Doutorado - PosDoc (vigência finalizada)
Agência de financiamento
Walter A. Carnielli

Doctor in Logic by the State University of Campinas (CLE-UNICAMP).

Posdoctoral reseacher at the University of São Paulo (IME-USP).

Member of the Group for Theoretical and Applied Logic (GTAL-UNICAMP).

Research areas: model-theoretical computability, classical and quantum computational complexity and category of effective sets.



- Araújo, A. de, The arithmetical content of Turing computability. (submited)

- Araújo, A. de, Carnielli, W.A., Non-standard numbers: a semantic obstacle for modelling arihtmetical reasoning. The Journal of IGPL, 2010, doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzq051.

- Araújo, A. de, Universal Turing machines without codification. Proceedings of 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Copenhagen, pp. 47-56, 2010.

- Araújo, A. de, Turing computability and nonstandard models of arithmetic. Proceedings of 6th Conference on Computability in Europe, Ponta Delgada, CMAT, pp. 38-49, 2010.

Research project

A model-theoretical approach to Turing computability, doctoral research concluded in 2011 - funded by the State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Logical aspects of quantum satisfiability, posdoctoral research funded by the State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).



Professor Dr. Walter Carnielli

Participation in projects


- Group for Theoretical and Applied Logic (GTAL), CNPq Research Group certified by UNICAMP.



External links


CNPq: curriculum vitae



Courses and Degrees


- Lecturer of the course Computability theory at Graduate Program in Philosophy (Logic) of the State University of Campinas, in the second semester of 2009.

- Lecturer of the course Model theory at Graduate Program in Philosophy (Logic) of the State University of Campinas, in the second semester of 2010.