To be held at Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE-Unicamp)
May 23–27, 2016
Invited scholars:
Sven Ove HANSSON (Stockholm University)
Harvey LEDERMAN (New York University)
Eduardo FERMÉ (Universidade da Madeira)
Contemporary Philosophy has held debates about central topics in ontology, epistemology, semantics, and cognition, among other current themes. Within these debates contemporary epistemology has sustained for the last couple of decades a lasting and relevant debate on open issues such as the definition of knowledge, its distinction to beliefs, and belief revision, decisions, justification, information, and rationality. These discussions have in part applied recently developed technical and conceptual tools, such as logics, theories of probability, game theory, decision theory, computer science, and many more. Scholars include not only philosophers, but also scientist interested in philosophical issues. This event hopes to make a contribution to these discussions by offering an exchange of ideas between renowned researchers in form of a scientific meeting and workshops and to take part in international discussions on these topics.
Rafael TESTA (CLE-Unicamp)
Philip WEINMANN (IFCH-Unicamp)
Working Group
Lucas ANGIONI – Unicamp; Marcelo CONIGLIO – Unicamp; Eduardo FERMÉ – Universidade da Madeira; Sven Ove HANSSON – Stockholm University; Harvey LEDERMAN – New York University; Marco RUFFINO – Unicamp; Rafael TESTA – Unicamp; Felipe WEINMANN – Unicamp.