Bachelor of science in Computer Science
Master of science in Computer Science
Bachelor of arts in Philosophy
Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science
PhD in Philosophy
Obtained in 2002, Cum Laude
Obtained in 2004, Cum Laude
Obtained in 2004, Magna Cum Laude
Obtained in 2005, Summa Cum Laude
Obtained in 2008, no grades are given to
PhD’s at Ghent University.
PhD dissertation
I succesfully defended my PhD dissertation “Logische bewijsdynamieken voor de formele explicatie van
wetenschappelijke probleemoplossingsprocessen” on 22/04/2008. My supervisor was Prof. dr. Diderik Batens.
01/11/2004 – 31/01/2008 Scientific researcher at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent
University, on the project “Een formele aanpak voor probleemoplossing en meer
bepaald voor wetenschappelijke probleem-oplossing”; funded by the Fund for
Scientific Research – Flanders; promoters: Prof. dr. Diderik Batens and Prof dr.
Joke Meheus
01/02/2008 – 30/09/2008 Full time assistant at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Science at Ghent
01/10/2008 – 30/09/2011 Postdoctoral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders with a project
titled “The use of adaptive logics for the practice and the philosophy of math-
ematics and the use of mathematical tools for the abstract analysis of adaptive
01/10/2010 – 30/09/2013 30% lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Science at Ghent Uni-
01/10/2011 – 28/02/2014 Postdoctoral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders with a project
titled “A pragmatic and dynamic foundation of mathematics in terms of non-
regular logics”
01/03/2014 – 01/03/2016 Postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of
Science (CLE), State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, São Paulo
State, Brazil with a project titled “ The three-valued logic of Charles Peirce: sys-
temics, self-organization and non-classical logics” funded by FAPESP, Brazil
101/12/2014 –
100% assistant professor at the Institut supérieur de philosophie, University catholique
de Louvain (UCLouvain), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Scientific publications
1. Peter Verdée. Degrees of inconsistency. carefully combining classical and paraconsistent negation.
2. Peter Verdée and Inge De Bal. A new approach to classical relevance. Submitted.
3. Peter Verdée and Diderik Batens. Nice embedding in classical logic. Currently under revision.
4. Joke Meheus, Christian Straßer, and Peter Verdée. Which style of reasoning to choose in the face of
conflicting information. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2013. Published online (doi: 10.1093/log-
5. Peter Verdée. Strong, universal and provably non-trivial set theory by means of adaptive logic. Logic
Journal of the IGPL, 21(1):108–125, 2013.
6. Peter Verdée. Non-monotonic set theory as a pragmatic foundation of mathematics. Foundations of
Science, 18:655–680, 2013.
7. Peter Verdée. A proof procedure for adaptive logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 21:743–766, 2013.
8. Frederik Van De Putte and Peter Verdée. The dynamics of relevance: Adaptive belief revision. Syn-
these, 187:1–42, 2012.
9. Peter Verdée. Modelling defeasible reasoning by means of adaptive logic games. Logic Journal of the
IGPL, 20(2):417–437, 2012.
10. Peter Verdée. Strong paraconsistency by separating composition and decomposition in classical logic.
In Lev D. Beklemishev and Ruy de Queiroz, editors, Logic, Language, Information and Computation,
volume 6642 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 272–292. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
11. Diderik Batens, Christian Straßer, and Peter Verdée. On the transparency of defeasible logics: Equiv-
alent premise sets, equivalence of their extensions, and maximality of the lower limit. Logique et
Analyse, 207:281–304, 2009.
12. Peter Verdée. Adaptive logics using the minimal abnormality strategy are Π 11 -complex. Synthese,
167:93–104, 2009.
13. Diderik Batens, Kristof De Clercq, Peter Verdée, and Joke Meheus. Yes fellows, most human reasoning
is complex. Synthese, 166:113–131, 2009.
14. Stephan van der Waart van Gulik and Peter Verdée. Modeling sorites reasoning with adaptive fuzzy
logic. Fuzzy Set and Systems, 159:1869–1884, 2008.
15. Peter Verdée and Stephan van der Waart van Gulik. A generic framework for adaptive vague logics.
Studia Logica, 90:385–405, 2008.
Abstracts of presentations at international conferences and seminars
1. “A remarkable conditional motivated by many-valued paraconsistent logic”. Abstract of a lecture at
the “ANPOF meeting 2014”, 27–31 October 2014, Campos do Jordão-SP, Brazil.
2. “A first order adaptive logic to formalize the standard model of arithmetic.” Abstract of an invited talk
at the “First Workshop CLE - Buenos Aires Logic Group”, SADAF, 4–5 August 2014 Buenos Aires,
3. “Emergence in defeasible reasoning: an adaptive logic perspective on the computational complexity
of defeasible reasoning.” Abstract of a lecture at the conference 16th Latin American Symposium on
Mathematical Logic, 28 July – 1 August 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
4. “(Paraconsistent) adaptive logics: a logico-philosophical introduction 14 May, Campinas.” Abstract of
an invited lecture at the CLE logic seminar, UNICAMP, Campinas-SP, Brazil.
5. “An infinitely valued paraconsistent logic to add classical negation to LP.” Abstract of a lecture at the
conference “Brazilian Logic Conference 2014”,April 7–11, 2014 - Petrópolis, Brazil
26. “Paraconsistent and classical negation in the context of relevant implication” Abstract of a lecture at
the conference “5th World Conference on Paraconsistency, 13–17 February 2014, Kolkata, India.
7. “Inconsistency-adaptive set theory: a maximally consistent theory based on unrestricted abstraction.”
Abstract of an invited lecture at the workshop “Non-Classical [Meta]mathematics”, 7 February 2014,
University of Otago, Dunedin, New-Zealand.
8. “Paraconsistent adaptive logics: introduction and new perspectives.” Abstract of an invited lecture
at the Department of Philosophy II: Logic and Epistemology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 22 October
2013, Bochum, Germany.
9. “A new approach to classical relevance.” (together with Inge De Bal) Abstract of a lecture at “Entia et
Nomina 2013”, 15–17 July 2013, Gdansk, Poland.
10. “How Logical Omniscience Is Avoided by Focusing on Problem Solving with ‘Black Box’-Formulas.”
Abstract of a lecture at “Prague workshop on non-classical epistemic logics”, 22 June 2013, Prague,
Czech Republic.
11. “A Means to Safely Add Disjunctive Syllogism to Relevant Logic.” Abstract of a lecture at the confer-
ence “Logica 2013”, 17–21 June 2013, Hejnice, Czech Republic.
12. “Bringing logic to the people. A diagrammatic proof system for classical logic extended with a pseudo-
relevant implication” (together with Inge De Bal). Abstract of a lecture at “UniLog 2013. 4th World
Congress and School on Universal Logic”, 3–7 April 2013, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
13. “Adding the ω-rule to Peano arithmetic by means of adaptive logic.” Abstract of a lecture at “UniLog
2013. 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic”, 3–7 April 2013, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
14. “Which Style of Reasoning to Choose in the Face of Conflicting Information” (together with Joke
Meheus [1st author] and Christian Straßer). Abstract of a lecture at the workshop “Logic: Between
Semantics and Proof Theory”, 1–2 November 2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
15. “Paraconsistent logic and degrees of belief.” Abstract of a lecture at “The Fifth Conference: Non-
Classical Logic. Theory and Applications”, 27–29 September 2012, Toru ́n, Poland.
16. “An Infinitely Valued Adaptive Logic for Handling Inconsistent Information.” Abstract of a lecture at
the conference “Logica 2012”, 19–22 June 2012, Hejnice, Czech Republic.
17. “An infinitely valued adaptive logic as the underlying logic of a comprehension based set theory.”
Abstract of a lecture at the conference “Trends in Logic XI”, 3–5 Juni 2012, Bochum, Germany.
18. “Adaptive logics: introduction, applications, computational aspects and recent developments.” Abstract
of an invited lecture at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, 8 February 2012, Munich,
19. “Minimizing inconsistent instances of unrestricted comprehension.” Abstract of a lecture at the con-
ference “Asian Logic Conference 2011”, 15–20 December 2011, Wellington, New-Zealand.
20. “An Infinitely Valued Adaptive Logic for Paraconsistent Set Theory.” Abstract of a lecture at the con-
ference “Australasian Logic Conference 2011”, 14–15 December 2011, Wellington, New-Zealand.
21. “Handling unnamed abnormal objects in (mathematical) adaptive logic theories.” Abstract of a lecture
at the conference “Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics 2011”, 5–9 December 2011, Guangzhou,
22. “Towards non-monotonic mathematics: Adaptive logic theories as a pragmatic foundation for mathe-
matics.” Abstract of a lecture at the conference “14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy
of Science”, 19–26 July 2011, Nancy, France.
23. “Towards non-monotonic mathematics: adaptive logic theories as a pragmatic foundation for mathe-
matics.” Abstract of a lecture at the workshop “Ghent Metaphysics, Methodology and Science (Ghemms)
2012”, 4–5 July 2011, Ghent, Belgium
24. “Adaptive Logic Theories as Pragmatic Foundations for Mathematics”. Abstract of a lecture at the
conference “Logica 2011”, 20–24 June 2011, Hejnice, Czech Republic.
25. “Strong paraconsistency by separating composition and decomposition in classical logic”. Abstract
of a lecture at the conference “Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation 2011”,
18–20 May 2011, Philadelphia, USA.
26. “An axiomatizable predicative paraconsistent logic close to classical logic”. Abstract of a lecture at the
conference “Brazilian Logic Conference 2011”, 9–13 May 2011, Petropolis, Brazil.
327. “A Goal-Directed Proof Procedure for a First-Order Classical Logic” (with Dagmar Provijn). Ab-
stract of a lecture at the conference “Logic, Reasoning and Rationality 2010”, 20–22 September, 2010,
Ghent, Belgium.
28. “Adaptive Logics for Correcting Naive Set Theory”. Abstract of a lecture at the conference “Logic,
Reasoning and Rationality 2010”, 20–22 September, 2010, Ghent, Belgium.
29. “Selecting the Most Normal Interpretations: The Syntactic vs. the Objective Approach”. Abstract of a
lezing at the conference “Logica 2010”, 21–25 June 2010, Hejnice, Czech Republic.
30. “Learning Through Logic: Restricting Non-Monotonic Inference in a Pragmatic Way” (with Stephan
van der Waart van Gulik). Abstract of a lecture at the conference “Argumentation as a cognitive pro-
cess”, 13–15 May, 2010, Toru ́n, Poland.
31. “Gaining insight: towards a functional characterization of information in formal logics” (with Stephan
van der Waart van Gulik). Abstract of a lecture at the conference “World Congress on Universal Logic
III”, 22–25 April, 2010, Estoril, Portugal.
32. “Rich set theory using adaptive logic”. Abstract of a lecture at the conference “World Congress on
Universal Logic III”, 22–25 April, 2010, Estoril, Portugal.
33. “Modeling defeasible reasoning by means of logic games”. Abstract of a lecture at the conference
“Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Abduction, Logic, and Computational Discov-
ery”, 17–19 December, 2009, Campinas, Brazil.
34. “Predicative CL − : a good paraconsistent alternative to classical logic”. Abstract of a lecture at the
conference “The Fourth World Congress of Paraconsistency”, 13–18 July 2008, Melbourne, Australia.
35. “The Dialectical Game Structure of Adaptive Logics Using the Counting Strategy”. Abstract of a
lecture at the conference “CLE 30 / XV EBL / XIV SLALM”, 11–17 May 2008, Paraty - Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
36. “Computational aspects of adaptive logics using Minimal Abnormality strategy”. Abstract of a lecture
at the conference “2nd World Congress and School on Universal Logic”, 16–22 August 2007, Xi’an,
37. “An extremely weak but useful paraconsistent logic for logical analysis”. Abstract of a lecture at the
conference “13th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science”, 9–15
August, 2007, Beijing, China.
38. “An enriched consequence relation for vagueness by means of adaptive logic” (with Stephan van der
Waart van Gulik). Abstract of a lecture at the conference “Uncertainty: Reasoning about probability
and vagueness”, 5–8 September 2006, Prague, Czech Republic.
39. “Content-guidance in the choice of a logic” (with Diderik Batens). Abstract of a lecture at the con-
ference “Studia Logica International Conference Towards Mathematical Philosophy”, 1–4 September
2006, Toru ́n, Poland.
Courses taught (all at Ghent University):
2010–2013 Filosofie en Wetenschap; an optional course for the Bachelor students in Civil Engineering. I
teach this course together with Joke Meheus; it is an introduction to philosophy of science.
2010–2014 Logica II; a mandatory course in the 2nd Bachelor Philosophy. I teach this course together with
Joke Meheus; we teach some metatheory of classical logic, an introduction to non-classical
logics and a thorough introduction to Gödel’s incompleteness theorems.
2010–2014 Grondige studie van vraagstukken in de logica; an optional course in the Master Philosophy. I
taught this course alone for two years and since this year together with RafałUrbaniak. It is a
thorough study of modern philosophical logic research (with a special focus on adaptive logic).
2007–2010 Thorough Survey of the Philosophy of Mathematics; one of the main courses in the postgrad-
uate programme “Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science”. I taught
this course first together with Diderik Batens and later together with Giuseppe Primiero; we
thoroughly taught philosophically relevant results on incompleteness and computability.
42009–2010 Adaptive Logics applied to the Philosophy of Science; an optional course in the postgraduate
programme “Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science”.
Other scientific activities
Stays abroad
1/09/2009 – 31/08/2010
Research visit of 1 year at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1/09/2009–31/08/2010, with funding
from the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders.
22/07/2013 – 26/07/2013 Short research visit at the Institute of Philosophy and the Institute of Computer
Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
Conferences organized
Logic, Reasoning and Rationality, 20/09/2010 – 22/09/2010 in Ghent. Member of the programme
Congress on Logic and Philosophy of Science. 16/09/2013 – 18/09/2013 in Ghent. Member of
the programme committee.
Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics. 11/06/2014 – 13/06/2014 in Munich,
Germany. Conference organized together with dr. Holger Andreas, MCMP, Munich.
Supervision of PhD students
Frederik Van De Putte Co-supervisor of Frederik Van De Putte’s PhD dissertation titled “Generic formats
for prioritized adaptive logics. With applications in deontic logic, abduction and be-
lief revision” successfully defended on 24/05/2012.
Inge De Bal
Co-supervisor of Inge De Bal’s PhD dissertation titled “Adaptive logic as a means
for investigating causation”. Inge De Bal started her PhD investigations in November
Member of doctoral committee
I was in the reading committee (jury) of the following PhD’s:
Christian Straßer
Dissertation titled “Adaptive logic characterizations of defeasible reasoning with ap-
plications in argumentation, normative reasoning and default reasoning”, supervised
by Prof. dr. Joke Meheus and Prof. dr. Diderik Batens.
Mathieu Beirlaen
Dissertation titled “Accommodating Normative Conflicts in Deontic Logic” defended
on 13/09/2012, supervised by Prof. dr. Joke Meheus and dr. Christian Straßer.
I did reviewing for the Czech Science Foundation and the following journals: Synthese, Topoi, Logic Journal
of the IGPL, Information Sciences, Foundations of Science and Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
Other capacities
Languages Dutch (native language), English (very good), French (good), German (sufficient), Brazilian
Portuguese (beginner’s level)
Software I can work fluently with L A TEX, MS Office (Word, Excel and Access), EndNote, Visual Basic,
C++, PHP, Java, Linux, Adobe Photoshop, Premiere and InDesign.