Pesquisador Carreira Pq
Fábio Maia Bertato
Centro de Lógica, Espistemologia - CLE/UNICAMP

Fabio Maia Bertato was born in 1980 in Osasco-SP and lived in the cities Itapetininga-SP e Rio Claro-SP, Brazil. He graduated in Mathematics at São Paulo State University (Unesp, Rio Claro - SP) in 2001. He obtained his PhD in 2008 at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) under the supervision of Professor Itala D'Ottaviano.

After his graduation, Bertato has gained experience in the field of Mathematics Teaching, being teacher of Elementary and High School in "Colégio Puríssimo Coração de Maria" (Rio Claro - SP) and Substitute Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the São Paulo State University (Unesp, Rio Claro-SP) and Assistant Professor at University Center Herminio Ometto (UNIARARAS, Araras-SP).

He is a historian of Mathematics, with a background in Mathematical Logic, expert in the works of Luca Pacioli, especially interested in the Mathematics of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and in the contributions of later mathematicians and logicians such as Gauss, Cantor, Peano, and Gödel.

Bertato is a member of the Brazilian Society for the History of Mathematics (SBHMat) and Managing Editor of the "Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática - an international journal on the History of Mathematics" (RBHM).

He is currently a Researcher at the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science and lives in Campinas-SP. His current research is on the "Certitudine Mathematicarum" debate - treating about the certainty of mathematics in the work of the authors of the 14th–17th centuries-, the controversy between Tartaglia and Cardano and the "Libellus de Quinque Corporibus Regularibus" of Piero della Francesca.

Standard CV (in Portuguese) CNPq / Lattes format



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BERTATO, F. M. A Filosofia da Matemática de Popper. Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática, v. 10, p. 215-224, 2010.

BERTATO, F. M. ; DOTTAVIANO, I. M. L. Luca Pacioli and the "Controversy of the Perspective": the Classification of the Mathematics from the Classical Antiquity to the End of the Quattrocento. Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática, v. V.1, p. 505-525, 2007.

BERTATO, F. M. Fratre Luca Pacioli e su Divin Proportion (In Interlingua). Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática, Rio Claro, v. 5, n. 9, p. 79-91, 2005.


BERTATO, F. M. A De Divina Proportione : de Luca Pacioli (tradução anotada e comentada). 1. ed. Campinas - SP: Coleção CLE, 2010. v. 56. 344 p. - (Buy it here)

Research project

Current research: "The certainty of Mathematics in the Western philosophical and scientific thought of the late fifteenth century to the early seventeenth century"

This research in the area of Epistemology and History of Science focuses on the epistemological status of Mathematics, considered by the authors of the fifteenth century, its role in the "Scientific Revolution" and, in particular on the changes occured in the Practice and in the Philosophy of Mathematics in the period. It is also considered contributions to the understanding of the concept of space from the advent of Linear Perspective in the environment of the Italian artists and controversial disputes about the resolutions of algebraic equations and their relevance to algebrization of the Mathematics.


General objectives

Study the problem of continuity between the Epistemology of Mathematics Renaissance and the epistemologies of Mathematics of the seventeenth century.
Find the possible influence of the works of authors such as Nicholas of Cusa in the thought of authors who defended the certainty of Mathematics and those responsible for the called Scientific Revolution.
Determine how the "Perspective Controversy" influenced the conception of the space of authors, especially in the seventeenth century.
Study the status of algebraic investigations from Pacioli to Descartes.

Specific objectives

Study of "Quaestio Certitudine Mathematicarum" in Piccolomini, Biancani and Clavius.
Make an annotated translation and commentary of "Cartelli di Sfida" - Dispute letters between Ferrari and Cardano -, analyzing their mathematical contents.
Make an annotated translation and commentary of the "Libellus Quinque corporibus Regularibus" of Piero della Francesca, highlighting the relations with "De Prospectiva pingendi".

Participation in project


External links


