A Biblioteca Michel Debrun possui em seu acervo a obra “ The Wittgenstein Papers”, que é a reunião dos documentos de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Esses documentos foram reunidos e organizados pelos Profs. Norman Malcolm, da Cornell University e Georg Henrik von Wright, da Academy of Finland, Helsinki. Os originais encontram-se, principalmente na Biblioteca do Trinity College, em Cambridge e nas mãos de um dono privado em Viena. Foram feitos microfilmes negativos originais em parte na Inglaterra e em parte na Cornell University. Os detentores dos direitos autorais são os curadores literários da propriedade de Wittgenstein.
Para facilitar a busca, os itens no catálogo foram numerados como segue: “Manuscripts” de 101 a 182, “Typescripts” de 201 a 245 e “Dictations” de 301 a 310. Em alguns casos vários itens se agrupam abaixo do número e são distinguidos como a, b, c etc. Os nomes em citações são os próprios títulos dados por Wittgenstein. Nomes criados pelos editores ou por outras pessoas não estão em citações e são antepostos por “called” ou “so-called”. O idioma é o alemão, exceto quando indicada a língua.
101. Notebook. 9 August-30 October 1914. 106 pp.
102. Notebook. 30 October 1914-22 June 1915. 265 pp.
103. Notebook. 7 April 1916-10 January 1917. 118 pp
104. Notebook. The so-called Prototractatus. 1918. 122 pp.
105. Volume I. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."Begun 2 February 1929. 135 pp.
106. Volume II. Undated, 1929. 298 pp.
107. Volume III. "Philosophische Betrachtungen."Lost entry 15 February 1930. 300 pp.
108. Volume IV "Philosophische Bemerkungen."13 December 1929-9 August 1930. 300 pp
109. Volume V. "Bemerkungen." 11 August 1930-3 February 1931. 300 pp.
110. Volume VI. "Philosophische Bemerkungen,"10 December 1930-6 July 1931. 300 pp.
111. Volume VII. "Bemerkungen zur Philosophie."7 July-September 1931. 200 pp.
112. Volume VIII. "Bemerkungen zur philosophischen Grcimmcitik." 5 October-28 November 1931. 270 pp.
113. Volume IX. "Philosophische Grammatik."28 November 193123 May 1932. 286 pp.
114. Volume X. "Philosophische Grammatik". First entry 27 May 1932. 288 pp.
115. Volume XI. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."First entry, 14 December 1933. "Philosophische Untersuchungen." August 1936. 292 pp.
116. Volume XII. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."1936- ; May 1945. 347 pp.
117. Volume XIII. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."1937; 1938; 1940. 263 pp.
118. Volume XIV. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."13 August-24 September 1937. 238 pp.
119. Volume XV. 24 September-19 November 1937. 295 pp.
120. Volume XVI. 19 November 1937-26 April 1938. 293 pp.
121. Volume XVII. "Philosophische Bemerkungen." 26 April 1938-9 January 1939. 186 pp.
122. Volume XVIII. "Philosophische Bernerkungen."16 October 1939-3 February 1940. 238 pp.
123. Notebook. "Philosophische Bemerkungen."25 September 23 November 1940; 16 May-6 June 1941. 138 pp.
124. Volume. 6 June-4 July 1941; 5 March-19 April 1944; 3 July 1944-. 292 pp.
125. Pocket notebook. 28 December 1941-16 October 1942. 156 pp.
126. Pocket notebook. 20 October 1942-6 January 1943. 1 55 pp. (Missing.)
127. Pocket notebook. “F. Mathematikund Logik." 6 January-4 April 1943; 27 February-4 March 1944; undated part. 175 pp. (Missing.)
128. Volume. Circa 1944. 52 pp.
129. Volume. First entry 17 August 1944. 221 pp.
130. Volume. Undated part; 26 May-9 August 1946. 294 pp.
131. Volume. 10 August-9 September 1946. 206 pp.
132. Volume. 9 September-22 October 1946. 212 pp.
133. Volume. 22 October 1946-28 February 1947. 190 pp.
134. Volume. 28 February 1947- . 184 pp.
135. Volume. 12 July- 18 December 1947. 192 pp.
136. Volume. "Band Q." 18 December 1947-25 January 1948. 288 pp.
137. Volume. "Band R." 2 February 1948-9 January 1949. 286 pp. 1
138. Volume. "Band S.” 15 January 1949-20 May 1949. 66 pp.
- The Lecture on Ethics. 1929. Writtenin English on loose sheets. 23 pp.
- The same. (Missing.)
140. 'Grosses Format.' Approximately 1934. Large sheets. 42 pp.
141. The beginning of an early version in German of the Brown Book. Large sheets. 1935 or 1936. 8 pp.
142. Volume. "Philosophische Untersuchungen."November-December 1936. (Missing.)
143. Notes on Frazer's The Golden Bough. Loose sheets of varying size. 1936 or later. 21 pp.
144. Volume. Fair manuscript copy containing Part II of the Investigations. 1949. 118 pp.
145. Large notebook. Called Cl. 1933. 96 pp.
146. Large notebook. Called C2. 1933-1934. 96 pp.
147. Large notebook. Called C3. 1934. 96 pp. Partly in English.
148. Large notebook. Called C4. 1934-1935. 96 pp. Mainly in English.
149. Large notebook. Called CS. tmmediiatecontinuation of 148. 1935-1936. 96 pp. Mainly in English.
150. Large notebook. Called C6. 1935-1936. 96 pp. Mainly in English.
151. Large notebook. Called C7. 1936. 47 pp. Mainly in English.
152. Large notebook. Called C8. 1936. 96 pp.
- Pocket notebook. "Anmerkungen." 1931. 339 pp.
- Pocket notebook. Immediately continuing 153a. 122 pp.
154. Pocket notebook. 1931. 190 pp.
155. Pocket notebook. 1931. 189 pp.
- Pocket notebook. Circa 1932-1934. 121 pp.
- Pocket notebook. Immediate continuation of 156a. 116 pp.
- Pocket notebook. 1934; 1937. 142 pp.
- Pocket notebook. Immediate continuation or 157ci. 1937. 81 pp.
158. Pocket notebook. 1938. 94 pp. Partly in English.
159. Pocket notebook. 1938. 80 pp. Partly in English.
160. Pocket notebook. 1938. 63 pp. Partly in English.
161. Pocket notebook. 1939-. 140 pp. Partly in English.
- Pocket notebook. Begun and probably also completed in January 1939. 103 pp.
- Pocket notebook. Immediate continuation of 162a. Ends in August 1940. 140 pp.
163. Pocket notebook. 22 June-29 September 1941. 156 pp.
164. Pocket notebook. Circa 1941-1944. 172 pp.
165. Pocket notebook. Circa 1941-1944. 230 pp.
166. Pocket notebook. "Notes for the 'Philosophical Lecture'." Written in English. Probably 1935-1936. 65 pp. (At the end, transcriptions of some poems in Russian.)
167. Pocket notebook. Probably 1947-1948. 64 pp.
168. Notebook. Fair manuscript copy of some remarks from the years 1947-1949 on general subjects. 12 pp.
169. Pocket notebook. Probably first half of 1949. 161 pp.
170. Pocket notebook. Probably 1949. 10 pp.
171. Pocket notebook. 1949 or 1950. 14 pp.
172. Manuscript on loose sheets. Probably 1950. 24 pp.
173. Notebook. 24 March- 12 April 1950; undated part. 200 pp.
174. Notebook. 1950. 78 pp.
175. Pocket notebook. 1950; 10-21 March 1951. 156 pp.
176. Notebook. 1950; 21 March-24 April 1951. 160 pp.
177. Notebook. 25-27 April 1951. 21 pp.
178. Undated fragments:
- "Man könnte die (genze) Sache ..." 10 pp.
- "Ich verstehe es…" 9 pp.
- "Das Bild der Cantorschen Uberlegung ..." 6 pp.
- "Unter Logik versteht man ..." 6 pp.
- "darfst Du Dich nicht ..." 4 pp.
- ”Ich mochte sagen ..." 2 pp.
- "Diese Sicherheit ist eine empirische ..." 2 pp.
- "folgt? ist das Verstehen? ..." 1 p.
179. Notebook. 1944 or 1945. 72 pp.
- Notebook. 1944 or 1945. 80 pp.
- Notebook. 1944 or 1945. 56 pp.
181. "Privacy of sense data." Probably 1935-1936. Loose sheets. 6 pp. In English.
182. List of the remarks from TS 228 which were included in the final version of Part I of Philosophical Investigations. Loose sheets. 2 pp.
- "Notes on Logic." September 1913. The so-called Russell Version. English.
- The same. The so-called Costello Version. English.
202. The so-called Engelmann TS of the Tractatus. 1918. 53 pp.
203. The so-called Vienna TS of the Tractatus. 1918. 56 pp.
204. The so-called Gmunden TS of the Tractatus. 1918. (Missing.)
205. 'Geleitwort zum Wörterbuch fur Volksschulen'. 1925. 6 pp.
206. An essay on identity. English. 1927. 3 pp.
207. The Lecture on Ethics. 1929. 10 pp.
208. Typescript based on 105, 106, 107, and the first half of 108 (MS Volumes I, II, III, and IV). 1930. 97 pp.
209. "Philosophische Bemerkungen." Typescript based on 208. 1930. 139 pp.
210. Typescript based on the second half (from p.133 onward) of 108. Circa 1930. 87 pp.
211. Typescript based on 109, 110, 111, 112,113, and the beginning of 114. Probably 1932. 771 pp.
212. Typescript consisting of cuttings from 208, 210, and 211. 1932 or 1933.
213. The so-called Big Typescript. Probably 1933. vii + 768 pp.
214. Three essays. Probably 1933. 15 pp.
- "Komplex und Tatsache"
- "Begriff und Gegenstand"
- "Gegenstand"
215. Two essays. Probably 1933. 20 pp.
- "Unendlich lang."
- "Unendliche Möglichkeit.."
216. An essay, "Gleichungen und Ungleichungen sind Festsetzungen oder die Folgen von Festsetzungen." Probably 1933. 6 pp.
217. An essay, "Allgemeinheit einer Demonstration." Probably 1933. 5 pp.
218. An essay, "Wie kann uns ein allgemeiner Beweis den besonderen Beweis schenken?" Probably 1933. 3 pp.
219. Typescript beginning "Muss sich denn nicht .... ” Probably 1932 or 1933. 24 pp.
220. Typescript, probably based on 142, of approximately the first half of the prewar version of the Investigations. 1937 or 1938. 137 pp.
221. Typescript, based on 117-120 (MS volumes XIII-XVI) and 162a of the second half of the prewar version of the Investigations. 1938. 134 pp.
222. Typescript composed of cuttings from 221.
223. Typescript beginning "Man kann sich leicht eine Sprache denken...," composed of cuttings from 221. 10 pp.
224. Typescript beginning "Das Überraschende in der Mathematik...” composed of cuttings from 221. 7 pp.
225. Typescript of Preface to the prewar version of the Investigations. August 1938. 4 pp.
226. Translation into English by R. Rhees with corrections by Wittgenstein, of the beginning of the prewar version of the Investigations. 1939. 72 pp.
227. Typescript of Part I of the final version of the Investigations. (1944)-1945-(1946). 324pp.
228. "Bemerkungen I.” 1945 or 1946. 185 pp.
229. Typescript, being a continuation of 228. 1947. 272 pp.
230. "Bemerkungen II.” Probably 1945 or 1946. 155 pp.
231. Two lists of corresponding remarks in "Bemerkungen I” and "Bemerkungen II”. Probably 1945 or 1946. 8 pp.
232. Typescript based on MS Volumes 135-137. 1948. 174 pp.
233. "Zettel.” Cuttings from various typescripts from the period 1929-1948, but mostly from 1945-1948 (items 228-230 and 232).
234. Typescript of Part II of the final version of the Investigations. Probably dictated in 1949. (Missing.)
235. Typescript of a Table of Contents to an unidentified work. Date unknown. 9 pp.
236. Typescript consisting of seventeen non-consecutive pages from 210 and one page from 211. 18 pp.
237. Typescript of fragments, partly as cuttings, from the pp.80-92 of 220 with additions and changes. 5 pp.
238. Typescript of revisions of pp.77-93 of 220. 1942 or 1943. 16 pp.
239. Typescript of a revised version of 220. 1942 or 1943. 134 pp.
240. Typescript of fragments, partly as cuttings, from 221 with changes. 3 pp.
241. Typescript based on 129. 1944-1945. 33 pp.
242. Typescript of pages between pp. 149-195 of an "Intermediate version" of Investigations. 1944-1945. 23 pp.
243. Typescript of a Preface to the Investigations, dated "Cambridge im Januar 1945”. 4 pp.
244. Typescript of an "overlapping" part of 228 and 229. 11 pp.
245. Typescript beginning in the middle of remark 689 of 244 and containing the rest of 244 and the whole of 229. Date unknown. 192 pp.
301. Notes dictated to G. E. Moore in Norway, April 1914. English. 31 pp.
302. The so-called Diktat für Schlick. Approximately 1931-1933. 42 pp.
303. Dictation to Schlick beginning "Die normale Ausdrucksweise...” Date uncertain. 11 pp.
304. Dictation to Schlick beginning "Hat es Sinn zu sagen ...” Date uncertain. 4 pp.
305. Dictation to Schlick beginning "Fragen wir diese ... ” Date uncertain. 1 p.
306. Dictation to Schlick beginning "Was bedeutet es denn.... ” Date uncertain. 2 pp.
307. Dictation to Schtick. The so-called Mulder II. 6 pp.
308. Dictation to Schlick. The so-called Mulder V. 57 pp.
309. The Blue Book. English. Dictated to the class at Cambridge in the academic year 1933-1934. 124 pp.,
310. The Brown Book. English. Dictated to Alice Ambrose and Francis Skinner at Cambridge in the academic year 1934-1935. 168 pp.