ISSN 0103-3247          ISBN 978-65-88097        Coleção CLE     


Coleção CLE is a serie of books that has its main public the Brazilian and Latin American academics interested in Logic, Epistemology, Methodology, and the History of Science. It is a collection of books that is focused on publishing original research, monographs, and theses in these areas of knowledge. Currently, the Coleção CLE has a catalogue with more than 80 published volumes, the first of which was released in 1987. Dr. Itala M. Lofreddo D’Ottaviano and Dr. Fábio Maia Bertato, both professors at the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), are respectively Editor and Associate Editor of the Coleção CLE. Recognized professors and researchers are in charge of its Editorial Board, composing a group of specialists from Brazilian and foreign universities, contributing to its acknowledge quality. The various titles in the Coleção CLE cover interesting essays, research, collections of articles, and other scientific texts.

Among the various titles published, we highlight some volumes:

Volume 13, from 1994, “Freud: racionalidade, sentido e referência” (Freud: rationality, meaning and reference, in Portuguese), by Osmyr Faria Gabbi Jr, brings interesting reflections on irrationality and human language in excerpts from Freudian theory.

Volume 31, “Gramsci: filosofia, política e Bom-Senso” (Gramsci: philosophy, politics, and common sense, in Portuguese), published in 2001, is the habilitation thesis by Prof. Dr. Michel Debrun.

While Volume 35, published in 2002, by João Carlos Salles, presents “A gramática das cores na Obra de Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)” (The grammar of colors in the Work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), in Portuguese)”.

Volume 41, published in 2005, “A Semântica Transcendental de Kant”, is the translation into Portuguese of the doctoral theses by Željko Loparić, defended at the Catholic University of Louvain, in 1982, under the title “Scientific Problem Solving in Kant and Mach ”.

Volumes 45 and 46, from 2007, by Rubens G. Lintz, compose together the “História da Matemática” (History of Mathematics, in Portuguese) studied in Greek and Arab cultures in Western culture, in texts with scientific accuracy at the same time with fun observations and comments.

Volume 47, published in 2007, and Volume 59, published in 2011, by João Quartim de Moraes, shows articles presented and debated in the seminar “Materialismo e Evolucionismo: epistemologia e história dos conceitos” (Materialism and Evolutionism: epistemology and history of concepts, in Portuguese), organized by CLE/UNICAMP in 2006 and 2009.

Volume 56, “De Divina Proportione” is a commented translation by Fábio Maia Bertato of the manuscript written by Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), famous Renaissance mathematician, “De Divina Proportione” (1509), available at the Biblioteca Ambrosiana de Milan.

Volume 69, published in 2015, by Zaqueu Vieira Oliveira, "Uranografia ou A descrição do Céu – de Adriaan van Roomen" (Uranography or The description of Heaven - by Adriaan van Roomen, in Portuguese), brings a work of astronomy and mathematics, thought by contemporary philosophers.

“Origens da Química no Brasil”, (The Origins of Chemistry in Brazi, in Portuguese) (vol.70), written by Carlos Alberto Filgueiras explains the origins of sciences and techniques in epistemology studies.

Volume 71, “Hesiodo's Cosmos: A Linguistic-Mathematic View”, by António José Gonçalves de Freitas, brings a philosophical reflection on Chaos theory using a defined theoretical approach, logical and linguistic analysis of texts comparatively, ending with a brief comparison between Hesiod and some of the pre-Socratics.                                                                                                       

"Para além das Colunas de Hercules uma história da paraconsistência: de Heráclito a Newton da Costa, (Beyond the Columns of Hercules: a history of the paraconsistency: from Heráclito to Newton da Costa, in Portuguese), by Evandro Luís Gomes and Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano, a joint-edition with Editora Unicamp, Volume 80 of the Coleção CLE, published in 2017, the authors chronicle the advent and gradual establishment of the paraconsistent perspective in the western thought.

"Cognição, Emoções e Ação" (Cognition, Emotions and Action, in Portuguese), organized by Marcos Antonio Alves, a joint edition with Cultura Acadêmica Editora, Volume 84 of the Coleção CLE, brings together contributions from different areas and perspectives referring to the study of cognition, emotion, and action and the connections between them.

Volume 85 "O Paradigma da Complexidade e a Ética Informacional" (The Paradigm of Complexity and Informational Ethics, in Portuguese), by João Antonio de Moraes, brings reflections on the profound impacts of digital technologies on society and the role of Philosophy in the continuous updating of key issues making up its agenda of problems.

In "Wittgenstein: in/on translation", Volume 86, Paulo Oliveira, Alois Pichler, and Arley Moreno organized contributions resulting from long-standing exchanges between Brazilian researchers and their European (and Latin American) fellows, spread across several countries, but gathered around the common interest in Wittgenstein's philosophy.

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Submission guidelines for Coleção CLE

The text must contain the title, pre-textual elements, such as title page and summary, textual elements (introduction, body, conclusion) and post-theatrical elements (references). The originals will be left to at least two ad hoc consultants. After the evaluation, the author will receive the recommendations, if necessary, for support. Then the text will be prepared for publication. Again, the author may be asked to attend to the necessary observations. The next step will be the layout of the material, to place the text within the format for digital or printed publication. At the end of the layout, the author will be asked to make up to three checks, to verify some content or formatting. By accepting publication by the Coleção CLE, the author agrees to the assignment of copyright to the Coleção CLE. For those cases in which the books will be printed, authors may receive a quota for the total print run to be defined at the time of printing.

  1. Only original texts will be considered for publication. Theses and Dissertations could to be also accepted.
  2. The submitted text must be an original and unpublished contribution, and not be under evaluation for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it must be justified to the editor.
  3. The publication of original texts will automatically imply the transfer of copyright to the Coleção CLE.
  4. Submitted texts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers.
  5. Contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted.
  6. Contributions must be sent with the subject “for submission Coleção CLE”, by e-mail to the Editorial Secretariat of the Coleção CLE.
  7. The files must be in Microsoft Word/PDF or Latex/PDF format ( The text must be formatted with single spacing, font size 12, using italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses). To submit a work, please request the template.
  8. Papers must have a title, abstract between 100 and 200 words and a list of 5 keywords (separated by semicolons), in the original language of the text and in at least one of the other publication languages accepted by the journal (Portuguese , Spanish and English). The texts must come with an abstract in English. Articles in foreign languages must come with an abstract in Portuguese.
  9. Titles must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 16, bold, aligned to the left margin, with only the first letter in capital letters.
  10. Direct quotations longer than 4 lines must be highlighted without quotation marks, indented 4 cm to the left, font size 10, single spacing.
  11. Images that are part of the text (like figures, maps, tables or graphics) must be sent in the text itself and numbered according to the sequence in which they appear in the text. Images must not exceed a maximum width of 12 cm and a maximum height of 16 cm, and their location must be in the body of the text. The font must be indicated in letter size 10, with central alignment. In cases where there are many images, the PDF file must necessarily be sent.
  12. The text follows bibliographic requirements and style according to ABNT. All references cited in the body of the text, as well as in footnotes, must necessarily appear in the References section at the end of the text. The works must be in alphabetical order, by the surname of the authors.
  13. URL's for the references must be informed, when possible.
  14. Explanatory notes should appear at the bottom of the page (in Arabic numbers) and references should come after the text, ordered alphabetically.
  15. Quotations in a foreign language (between double quotes or highlighted in the body of the text) should not be in italics.
  16. Once accepted for publication, volumes may not be reproduced without authorization from the CLE Collection.
  17. After being accepted for publication, texts must be provided for the book's ears. An introduction, preface and dedication can also be added.



Catálogo de Livros da Coleção CLE (catalogue)

 clique abaixo no número desejado para ler maiores informações (click number to read more)