Revista Manuscrito: Volume 26, número 2 - julho a dezembro de 2003
(Logic, Truth and Arithmetic Essays on Gottlob Frege)
Part I – Logic and Language
Øystein Linnebo - Frege’s Conception of Logic: From Kant to “Grundgesetze”
Marco Ruffino - Frege’s Views on Vagueness
Maite Ezcurdia - Introducing Sense
Part II – Truth
Simon J. Evnine - Frege on Truth, Beauty and Goodness
Markus Stepanians - Why Frege thought it to be “Probable” that Truth is Indefinable
Oswaldo Chateaubriand - How is it determined that the True is not the same as the False?
Dirk Greimann - Frege’s Horizontal and the Liar-Paradox
Thomas Ricketts - Quantification, Sentences, and Truthvalues
Part III – Arithmetic
Erich H. Reck - Frege, Natural Numbers, and Arithmetic’s Umbilical Cord
Richard G. Heck Jr. - Frege’s Theorem: An Introduction