Leandro Oliva Suguitani was born in São Paulo-SP, in 1976. He studied mathematics at State University of Londrina (UEL), undergraduating in 2005. During this period he also spend two years in England (London) to improve his language skills. In 2006, started his Master Degree Course at State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in which he worked on the Tarski's theory of Relation Algebras, and finished it in 2008. Currently he is a PhD student at Unicamp, interested in applicattions of relational systems in logic, foundations of mathematics and philosophy of science.
SUGUITANI, PETRUCIO VIANA and D'OTTAVIANO. Beyond the limits of relation algebra. XII Asian Logic Conference, Wellington-New Zealand, 2011.
SUGUITANI, PETRUCIO VIANA and RENATA DE FREITAS. Relation Algebra throughout Galois Connections.Encontro Évariste Galois - Bicentenário, Campinas-SP, 2011.
SUGUITANI, D'OTTAVIANO and PETRUCIO VIANA. The algebraic tradition of logic and some relational systems. Logic School - XVI Brazilian Logic Conference, Niterói/Petrópolis-RJ, 2011.
SUGUITANI and D'OTTAVIANO. Metafísica do Realismo Estrutural Ontológico. Livro de Atas do XIV Encontro Nacional de Pós Graduação em Filosofia -Anpof, Águas de Lindóia, 2010.
SUGUITANI and D'OTTAVIANO. Hybrid Languages and Relation Algebra. Abstracts of the III World Congress and School on Universal Logic (Unilog), 2010. Lisbon-Portugal.
SUGUITANI and D'OTTAVIANO. Ontological Structural Realism, Tarski-Givat set theory and quasi-set theory. Annals for the Science, Truth and Consistency - CLE/AIP Event, Campinas-SP, 2009.
SUGUITANI and D'OTTAVIANO. Tarski's RA and Börner's operator. Annals fo the CLE 30 Years XV Brazilian Logic Conference XIV Latin-American Symposium on Mathematical Logic, Paraty-RJ, 2008.
SUGUITANI and D'OTTAVIANO. Álgebra de Relações: uma abordagem Tarskiana da lógica de primeira ordem. Resumos Vsimpósio internacional principia, Florianópolis-SC, 2007.
SUGUITANI and SHARMA, N. K. . Os Completamentos dos Números Racionais. Anais do X Encontro Anual de Iniciação Científica, Ponta Grossa-PR, 2001.
Research project
Relational systems in logic, foundations of mathematics and philosophy of science. Financed by State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Participation in projects
ConsRel: Logical Consequence and Combinations of Logics - Fundaments and Efficient Applications.
FAPESP Project Number: 2004/14107-2: http://consrel.incubadora.fapesp.br/portal
External links
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science (CLE) at UNICAMP:http://www.cle.unicamp.br/index.php
Brazilian Logic Society (SBL): http://www.cle.unicamp.br/sbl/
My Curriculum vitae at CNPq: lattes.cnpq.br/8972839075750190
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/leandrosuguitani/