Título: Aftermath of the Logical Paradise
Editores convidados: Jean-Yves Beziau, Alexandre Costa-Leite e Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano
ISBN 978-85-86497-36-0, CLE/Unicamp, 1a. Edição (2017)
Welcome to the Logical Paradise!
The city of Rio de Janeiro is an unique place in the world, known under the nickname Cidade Maravilhosa. It truly deserves to be called a paradise. In Brazil, Land of the Future (1941) Stefan Zweig describes as follows his rst impression of the city: Arriving in Rio, I received one of the most powerful impressions of my whole life. I was fascinated, and at the same time deeply moved. For what lay before me here was not merely one of the most magnicent landscapes in the world, a unique combination of sea and mountain, city and tropical scenery, but quite a new kind of civilization. There were colour and movement which fascinated and never tired the eye; and wherever one looked there was a pleasant surprise. I was overwhelmed by a rush of joy and beauty... Brazil's importance for the coming generations cannot be assessed even by the most daring calculations. I knew I had looked into the future of our world. In 2013, Rio de Janeiro was the mainland of logicians from all over the world for ten days, it became a logical paradise. The 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic took place from March 29 to April 7 at the foot of the Sugar Loaf in the school ECEME (Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército) kindly ofered to us by the Brazilian Army. Invited speakers were placed in the nearby Flamengo district at the Hotel Paissandu, a place where Zweig himself stayed. The 4th UNILOG was a rich and memorable meeting. First, from March 29 to April 2, there was a school with 30 tutorials on all aspects of logic (historical, philosophical, mathematical, computational) given by great scholars, including a tutorial Logic of the Blind presented by Laurence Goldstein. Then, from April 2 to April 7, there was the congress with about 50 keynote speakers (Yuri Gurevich, Sara Negri, Gila Sher, J. Michael Dunn, Jonathan Seldin, Sun-Joo Shin, etc.), 15 workshops, (Relevant Logics, Abstract Proof Theory, Non-Classical Mathematics, Thinking and Rationality, Logic and Linguistics, etc.) 11 sessions, (Universal, Combination, Modal, Empirical, Paradox, Tools, etc. ), a secret speaker (a speaker whose identity is revealed only at the time of his/her/its speech, for the 1st UNILOG in Montreux it was Saul Kripke, for this edition it was Grigori Mints), a contest (Scope of Logic Theorems, won by Nate Ackerman). The present book contains some papers presented at the Congress, other papers were published in Logica Universalis (Birkhäuser) and The Journal of Logic, Language and Information (Springer). We are very grateful to Fabio Basso (State University of Campinas, Brazil) and Guilherme Carneiro (State University of Campinas, Brazil) in charge of the technical preparation of the book. Moreover, we are also indebted to Stamatios Gerogiorgakis who revised Hans Burkhardt's paper on Leibniz, after his death.
The editors
Jean-Yves Beziau, University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Alexandre Costa-Leite, University of Brasilia (UnB)
Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)