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Revista Manuscrito: Volume 28, número 2 - julho a dezembro de 2005

Revista Manuscrito: Volume 28, número 2 - julho a dezembro de 2005

(Logic and Philosophy of the Formal Sciences A Festschrift for Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano)


Rodolfo Ertola Biraben - On the Mathematics of Logic and the Logic of Mathematics

Oswaldo Chateaubriand - Platonism in Mathematics

Marcelo Coniglio - Towards a Stronger Notion of Translation between Logics

Newton da Costa, Otávio Bueno & Steven French - A Coherence Theory of Truth

Jairo José da Silva - A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Concept of Set

Valéria de Paiva & Luiz Carlos Pereira - A Short Note on Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Multiple Conclusions

Carlos di Prisco - Are we Closer to a Solution of the Continuum Problem?

Hércules de A. Feitosa & Frank Thomas Sautter - Modulated Logic Modal Logic and Translations between Logics

Maria E. Gonzales, Mariana Broens, Willem Haselager & Ettore Bresciani - Self-Organization and Life: a systemic approach

Zeljko Loparic - A Fabricação dos Humanos

Edgard G.K. Lopez-Escobar - Set Theories as Extensions of Propositional Logics

Francisco Miraglia & Hugo Mariano - Logic, Partial Orders and Topology

Daniele Mundici - Decidability and Gödel Incompleteness in AF C*-Algebras

Alfredo Pereira Jr. & Roberson Saraiva Polli - Trapped Ion Quantum Computing and the Principles of Logia

Marta Sagastume - Bounded Commutative B-C-K Logic and Lukasiewicz Logics