Revista Manuscrito: Volume 31, número 1 - janeiro a junho de 2008
Abel Lassalle Casanave - Entre la Retórica y la Dialéctica
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Dialectical Rhetoric : Response to ABEL Lassalle Casanave
André Porto - Formalization and Infinity
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Proof and Infinity: Response to ANDRÉ Porto
Danielle Macbeth - The Truths of Logic and Logical Truth
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Logical Truth and Logical States of Affairs: Response to DANIELLE Macbeth
Dirk Greimann - Multiplying Entities without Necessity: what does ?necessity? mean in this context?
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Multiplying Entities: Response to DIRK Greimann
E. G. K. López-Escobar - Chateaubriand on Propositional Logic
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Propositional Logic: Response to KEN López-Escobar
Frank Thomas Sautter - Chateaubriand on the Nature of Language
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - The Nature of Language: Response to FRANK Thomas Sautter
Guido Imaguire - Ockham?s Razor and Chateaubriand?s Goatee
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Explanatory Reduction: Response to GUIDO Imaguire
Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - Chateaubriand on Logical Truth and Second-order Logic: Reflections on some Issues of ?Logical Forms II?
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Logical Truth and Second-Order Logic: Response to GUILLERMO Rosado-Haddock
Jairo José da Silva - On Proofs in Mathematics
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Proof in Mathematics: Response to JAIRO José da Silva
Javier Legris - Chateaubriand on Symbolism and Logical Form
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Symbolism and Logical Form: Response to JAVIER Legris
John Corcoran - Meanings of Form
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Logical Forms and Logical Form: Response to JOHN Corcoran
José Seoane - Elucidando el Concepto de Demostración. Observaciones sobre Chateaubriand
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Proof and Explication: Response to JOSÉ Seoane
Marco Ruffino - Chateaubriand?s Senses
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Senses: Response to MARCO Ruffino
Mark Wilson - Which Came First: the Logic or the Math?
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Mathematics and Logic: Response to MARK Wilson
Norma B. Goethe - Revisiting the question about formal proof: philosophical theory, history, and mathematical practice
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Proof and Practice: Response to NORMA Goethe
Oscar M. Esquisabel - Lenguaje, Lógica y Ontología en la Perspectiva de Oswaldo Chateaubriand
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Language, Logic, and Ontology: Response to OSCAR Esquisabel
Otávio Bueno - Truth and Proof
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Agnostic Nominalism: Response to OTÁVIO Bueno
Paul Gochet - Chateaubriand on the Productivity of Language
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - The Productivity of Language: Response to PAUL Gochet
Paul Horwich - Explaining Intentionality
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Deflationism: Response to PAUL Horwich
Richard Vallée - Learning ?Big?
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Properties and Truth: Response to RICHARD Vallée
Walter Carnielli - The Tyranny of Knowledge
OSWALDO Chateaubriand - Knowledge and Justification: Response to WALTER Carnielli