Tópicos em História e Filosofia da Computação
Tópicos em História e Filosofia da Computação (digital)
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The publication of this book follows the HaPoC Symposium at the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST), held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017, with the general theme “Science, Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Local”. This Colloquium was organized under the auspices of the Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with the support from HaPoC and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), which made possible the presence of visiting professors from abroad. The main goal of HaPoC Symposium was enabling collaboration among researchers interested in History and Philosophy of Computing. Our speakers presented contributions describing original and unpublished results related with the theme “The Ubiquity of Computing: historical and philosophical issues”. As an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration of research among groups of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Informatics and Society research area at the Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program/Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (COPPE) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC), this book is being published in Brazil by "Coleção CLE", in order to offer to a wider public the contributions delivered in the Symposium. The reader will have the opportunity to appreciate these contributions through ten chapters, seven of them about the Brazilian history of computing, written by eight Brazilian authors, and the other three chapters about philosophy of computing, written by four European scholars. The editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to all participants and authors who accepted the invitation to contribute to this volume, specially to their patience during the publication process.
Fábio Bertato
Henrique Cukierman
Controle, liberdade, informática e sociedade: uma revisão das histórias da informática no Brasil (Alberto Jorge Silva de Lima)
O censo de 1960 e os primórdios da informática no Brasil (Henrique Cukierman)
Informatizando o Leão O SERPRO e o uso de processamento de dados no Ministério da Fazenda (1964-1970) (Lucas de Almeida Pereira)
O computador brasileiro na revista DADOS e Idéias: em busca de sua alma (Márcia Regina Barros da Silva)
Um “espaço de autoria” na literatura sobre tecnologia durante a década de 1970 no Brasil: a revista DADOS e Idéias (Ivan da Costa Marques)
Serviço Nacional de Informações e Informática no Brasil: relações ambivalentes (1976-1980) (Marcelo Vianna)
Softwares livres e economia solidária no Brasil: licenças, práticas e visões de mundo em debate (Fernando Gonçalves Severo e Luiz Arthur Silva de Faria)
Studies in Computational Metaphysics, Results of an Interdisciplinary Research Project (Christoph Benzmüller)
Some philosophical considerations about the possibility of mind uploading (Lorenzo Spezia)
Historia rerum naturae gestarum and Hyper-History: Philosophical and Sociological intersections for a Hyper-World (Flavia Marcacci e Massimiliano Padula)