Biographical Sketch
Walter Alexandre Carnielli (born on January 11th, 1952 in Campinas,SP, Brazil) is a Brazilian mathematician, logician, and philosopher, full professor of Logic at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). With a Bachelor and a Ms.C. degree in mathematics at the UNICAMP (The State University of Campinas in Campinas), he obtained his Ph.D. in 1984 in the same university under the supervision of Newton C. A daCosta. Carnielli worked at the Department od Mathematics at UCBerkeley as a Research Fellow, invited by Leon Henkin. He is a grantee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and workedat the Institut für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, University of Münster, and at the Seminar für Logik und Grundlagenforschung, University of Bonn.
Carnielli is a member of the SQIG - Security and Quantum InformationGroup, IT, Lisbon, of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logikund für Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG),Germany and honorary member of the Polskie Towarzystwo Logiki i Filozofii Nauki, Poland.
-- Academic Qualification--
- Bachelor´s Degree in Mathematics,
IMECC-UNICAMP, Campinas, 1976
- Master´s Degree in Mathematics
(Algebra), IMECC-UNICAMP,Campinas, 1978
- Specialization in Philosophy
of Science, IFCH-UNICAMP, Campinas, 1980
- PhD in Logic and the Foundations
of Mathematics, IMECC-UNICAMP,Campinas, 1982
- "Livre-Docente" (equivalent
to the German "Habilitation") in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics,
IMECC-UNICAMP,Campinas, 1990
- "Professor Titular" (Full
Professor) in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, IFCH-UNICAMP,
Campinas, 1996
-- Origins of the name Carnielli --
"Carnielli" is a name of various (or possibly all connected)origins. In Hebrew, spelled in this way, means "horn of the Lord"or "rays of God". "Carnielli" or "Cargnel" possibly derives from the Friulandialect (Northern Italy) "carnièl" "ciarnièl" or "chiargnièl", andmeans either "coming from the Carnia mountains" or a profession,"weaver"."Carnielli" is also a translation of the Slovenian family name"Krainz" or "Kranz", and many people with slavic names have beenforced to italianize their names during il fascist period in Italy.
Carnielli in Hebrew
Photo gallery
With my family, 195?
My father, Alexandre and my mother, Therezinha. Campinas, 1991.
Little Walter.
At Berkley University, 1984
At Jabuti Awards, 2007.
With my partner, Juliana, at the Jabuti Awards, 2007
With Marcelo Coniglio, Newton da Costa and Ítala D'Ottaviano
Flávio, my son.