Professor emérito da Unicamp contribuiu para dar visibilidade à ciência brasileira no exterior
Professor emérito da Unicamp contribuiu para dar visibilidade à ciência brasileira no exterior
The participation certificates can be accessed and downloaded via our permanent institutional platform. To this end, in the blank field "Obter Certificado", please inform: your passport number (for foreigners); or your RG/CPF number (for Brazilians).
Otávio Bueno analisa questões da sociedade contemporânea, como a relação das pessoas com a ciência e as fronteiras entre crenças e verdades
Para Ofer Arieli, professor do Academic College de Tel Aviv, em Israel, o grande desafio da área é desenvolver sistemas capazes de explicitar suas linhas de raciocínio
Lógica defendida por Diderik Batens aponta a importância de se reconhecer que novos conhecimentos surgem a todo momento
Graham Priest trabalha com o conceito de dialeteísmo e dialoga com ideias de tradições filosóficas brasileiras e orientais.
A lógica fornece as bases para todas as ciências. Por isso, os filósofos da ciência devem empreender esforços em estabelecer pontes entre os diferentes campos científicos, encontrando espaços de mediação entre as áreas. Este é um dos caminhos escolhidos por Fernando Zalamea em sua trajetória intelectual
“Quando me dei conta de que meu nome era Newton, assim como Isaac Newton, fiquei assombrado! Comecei a ler tudo o que podia sobre ele."
Para Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, compreender os processos algorítmicos e desenvolver o pensamento crítico são atos fundamentais para a vida contemporânea
Janusz Ciuciura defende legado dos grandes filósofos da Polônia no desenvolvimento das tradições lógicas não-clássicas
The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality, and Information – SPLogIC – is promoted by the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, to be held from February 6th to 17th, 2023. The program comprises eight courses and eight plenary talks ministered in English by experts in each topic, as well as oral presentations (LED Talks) and a posters session delivered by students.
The SPLogIC, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp), aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methodology and research on contemporary logic (featuring non-classical logics), rationality, and information.
Topics to be covered include:
• History and Philosophy of Paraconsistent Logics
• The Australian, Belgian, Brazilian, Israeli, and Polish Schools on Paraconsistency
• Logic and Reasoning
• Logic and Information
• Logic and Argumentation
• Methodological Aspects on Interpreting, Translating, and Combining Logics
• Logic, Probability, and Artificial Intelligence
Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows (up to 5 years after completion of the PhD) from all countries are encouraged to apply. For the selected applicants the SPLogIC will cover air tickets, medical insurance, accommodation, and meals during the School.
The event celebrates the 90th anniversary of Professor Newton da Costa and the 45 years of CLE.
Connect and discuss with other professionals and organizations about methodology and research on contemporary logic, rationality and information.
The program comprises eight courses and eight plenary talks ministered in English by experts in contemporary logic.
The program comprises eight courses plenary talks ministered in English by experts in contemporary logic, rationality and information.
The program comprises eight plenary talks ministered in English by experts in contemporary logic, rationality and information.
The event will select 100 fully-funded participants. Funding includes airfare, medical insurance, accommodation, and meals throughout the event.
The SPLogIC will be held at the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), located in the city of Campinas – SP.
The invited professors and students will be hosted at Casa do Professor Visitante (CPV), which offers accommodation, food and events services for the entire academic community and visitors.
The School received more than 250 inscriptions of students from more than 40 countries, from all the continents. Here are the selected students from Brazil and from other countries.
SPLogIC is promoted by the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp)
and funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp)